
Letterpress Printing

At Nonconform we’re always working on lots of weird and wonderful projects. I can’t give away too much, but over the past few months I’ve been working on and overseeing a bespoke letter pressed typeface alongside fellow type geek and long standing Nonconformer Richard Taylor. There are lots of variations of this font family, and look forward to seeing it rolled out. Letterpress printing is becoming a lost art, but now and again it resurfaces. We worked with Karen and Bridewell studios – using her impressive collection of type and proofing press. Without her assistance, I don’t think this would have been as successful. This creative journey has involved hand printing, scanning, vectoring each letter and processing it via font software. More on this soon.


I have been working in the creative sector since studying graphic design and illustration at LJMU. I started out painting murals and attending graffiti events – working primarily with spray paint at that time. I would then progress to painting large scale corporate murals once I graduated and began a placement at Nonconform – where I still work today. In my university days, I was often told by tutors that ‘you would never work in an agency’

Hilariously I hated computers whilst at uni, and preferred making everthing from scratch. Even now I try to be as hands on as possible, but obviously using a computer is inevitable with the job I do.


#lunalines #illustration
#illustration #fashionillustration #ink
Happy Friiday 🖤 
#illustration #collage #montage #illos
Back in the day #throwback 
All about the skinny lines.
#murals #graffs
#ink -
The Witch - 
#illustration #halloween #thewitch #illustrator #broomstick #fashionillustration
#printmaking #ballet #print #illustration #layers #collage #ink #type #printmaker

Get in touch

Drop me an email if you have any questions or wish to commission a piece of work.